Web Generator 1.0.0
Information about air quality in the Czech Republic
Locality table

Updated: 2025-02-12 07:37 CET

Basic data
Locality code: HHKS
Name: Hr.Kral.-Sukovy sady
State: Česká republika
Owner: Health Institute Usti n/L
Region: Kralovehradecky
District: Hradec Kralove
Basic administrative unit: Hradec Králové
Abbreviation: T/U/RCI
EOI - station type: traffic
EOI - zone type: urban
EOI - zone characteristics: residental;commercial;industrial
EOI B/R - subcategory:
Residence address

ZU se sidlem v Usti n/L-ZL Plzen
Pasteurova 3a
400 01 Ústí n/L
Tel.: 724 034 029
E-mail: pavel.knedlik@zuusti.cz
Coordinates: 50° 12´ 42.122" North latitude 15° 48´ 50.936" East longitude
Altitude: 233 m
Supplementary data
Terrain: Plain
Landscape: Built-up area, non-built-up area, marginal parts of municipalities
Representativeness: District (County) scale (0.5-4 km) at the traffic location in the direction alon
Stanice je umístěna na okraji parku v blízkosti frekventované komuni kace ve V části města.
List of measuring programmes:
Code Type
active HHKSA Automated measuring program
inactive HHKSM Manual measuring program
active HHKSP Measuring program of PAHs
inactive HHKSV Measuring program of VOC
active HHKS0 Heavy metal in PM10
Establishment and termination of the measuring site:
Date of establishment: 1981-01-01 Date of termination:

Map of locality position