Information about air quality in the Czech Republic

Year: 2022, Others

Overview of the target ambient limit values
exceedances of O₃ and AOT40

calculated of both operational data (yet unverified) and verified data

Updated: 2023-06-30 09:52 CEST

The values are from all active stations regardless of whether the number of valid measurement meets the criteria for calculating the aggregated data (annual average).

For the completeness and quality of data is responsible the data supplier, not the CHMI.

Completeness of data – completeness of measured data supplied to AQIS database to the day of table update (in percentage).

Purpose: Health protection
Pollutant Averaging interval Ambient limit Max. permissible number of exceedances Unit
O₃ 8 hours 120 25 in 3 years average µg/m³
Sequence Code Name Owner Data supplier Number of exceedances
in year 2022
Maximum concentrations
in year 2022
Completeness of data
1 MSMSA Šumperk, ZŠ Vrchlického MŠUM ENVItech Bohemia s.r.o. 33 166.0 100.0
2 BBMAA Brno-Arboretum SMBrno Statutory City of Brno 25 151.1 100.0
3 TOROK Ostrava-Radvanice OZO ZÚ, SMOva KHS-Ostrava 23 156.8 99.3
4 TOMHK Ostrava-Mariánské Hory ZÚ, SMOva KHS-Ostrava 23 150.9 99.4
5 BBMLA Brno-Lány SMBrno Statutory City of Brno 18 144.2 99.7
6 TOREK Ostrava-Radvanice ZÚ ZÚ, SMOva KHS-Ostrava 16 155.6 99.1
Purpose: Protection of vegetation
Pollutant Averaging interval Ambient limit on average over 5 years Unit
O₃ 1.5. - 31.7. (AOT40) 18000 µg/m³.h
The limit was not exceeded at the given the period