Monthly analysis of week values

Year 2021
Region Jihocesky
District Strakonice
Measuring programme CKOCF , Kocelovice
Type of measuring programme Wet-only - autom. sampler
Organization ČHMÚ
Matter Unit Method Monthly concentrations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RAIN mm VOL 48.4 28.9 26.1 23.2 107.2 119.7 99.5 87.8 6.6 18.4 41.3 38.1
vodivost µS/cm EC meter 11.3 9.5 10.6 17.4 8.1 10.2 7.3 8.5 8.0 8.0 12.0
pH - pH meter 4.89 6.22 6.57 5.90 6.51 6.28 5.86 6.12 5.47 5.45 5.21
Na⁺ ug/l FAAS 70 100 120 234 44 33 55 28 70 66 123
K⁺ ug/l FAAS 24 60 76 57 26 29 47 30 26 25 31
NH₄⁺ ug/l SMA-BERTH 159 524 1 118 1 298 514 599 635 811 361 293 506
Mg²⁺ ug/l FAAS 14 46 24 63 16 29 15 16 17 15 19
Ca²⁺ ug/l FAAS 52 714 210 387 140 373 84 120 67 64 73
Mn ug/l ICP-MS 0.7 6.4 4.1 7.7 1.6 3.6 0.9 2.4 0.9 0.5 0.9
Zn ug/l ICP-MS 7.5 6.0 12.0 12.3 4.5 3.8 3.5 7.6 5.3 2.5 4.7
Fe ug/l ICP-MS 21 130 143 122 33 47 13 66 19 12 14
Pb ug/l ICP-MS 0.5 0.6 1.5 1.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3
Cd ug/l ICP-MS 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.05
Ni ug/l ICP-MS 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2
F⁻ ug/l IC 2 7 3 7 1 1 2 5 3 3 3
Cl⁻ ug/l IC 213 133 213 368 134 57 106 77 168 147 251
NO₃⁻ ug/l IC 1 182 1 633 1 999 2 770 1 213 911 962 1 266 1 198 921 1 699
SO₄²⁻ ug/l IC 305 836 619 1 573 509 435 416 365 380 338 470