Fe - UDOK0

Detailed overview of air pollution values for the measuring programme

Year: 2021
Matter: Fe - iron
Locality: Doksany
Measuring programme: UDOK0
Organization: CHMI
Region: Ustecky
District: Litomerice
Unit: ng/m³
Measuring method: inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry
Average daily concentrations in specific units
Day/Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X Max. N
1 62.9 89.5 104.0 114.0 93.2 49.8 79.5 54.9 218.0 285.0 249.0 41.9 85.9 86.4 38.2 111.9 285.0 15
2 310.0 132.0 217.0 112.0 125.0 89.1 117.0 187.0 164.0 322.0 137.0 159.0 107.0 107.0 156.6 322.0 14
3 184.0 303.0 140.0 137.0 352.0 238.0 25.2 93.5 115.0 70.8 158.0 165.0 549.0 116.0 290.0 698.0 213.4 698.0 16
4 67.1 132.0 51.6 339.0 416.0 77.2 132.0 120.0 162.0 327.0 146.0 180.0 245.0 371.0 194.0 212.5 416.0 15
5 119.0 197.0 66.5 144.0 273.0 121.0 52.0 31.2 97.9 112.0 48.6 107.0 92.2 98.0 71.1 112.9 273.0 15
6 215.0 313.0 217.0 249.0 226.0 235.0 189.0 304.0 317.0 558.0 575.0 101.0 106.0 71.9 163.0 254.5 575.0 15
7 53.2 112.0 63.0 117.0 39.6 78.1 73.7 79.3 100.0 187.0 224.0 300.0 203.0 191.0 122.0 130.1 300.0 15
8 105.0 107.0 87.9 64.5 20.7 257.0 339.0 322.0 0.3 221.0 156.0 170.0 199.0 110.0 67.7 124.0 140.4 339.0 16
9 177.0 244.0 350.0 379.0 500.0 141.0 213.0 496.0 85.8 47.4 247.0 208.0 228.0 400.0 217.0 274.6 500.0 15
10 428.0 290.0 139.0 286.0 325.0 95.3 171.0 95.1 364.0 460.0 75.3 159.0 446.0 321.0 253.0 239.0 270.9 460.0 16
11 114.0 53.2 69.5 111.0 144.0 152.0 172.0 226.0 74.6 67.0 358.0 291.0 312.0 126.0 25.0 155.9 358.0 15
12 145.0 128.0 212.0 161.0 170.0 139.0 711.0 136.0 93.3 115.0 323.0 41.7 108.0 125.0 170.0 180.7 711.0 15