Detailed overview of air pollution values for the measuring programme

Year: 2013
Matter: PAHs - polycyclic aromatic hydreocarbons -
Locality: Ostrava-Radvanice ZU
Measuring programme: TOREP
Organization: SMOstrava
Region: Moravskoslezsky
District: Ostrava-mesto
Unit: ng/m3
Measuring method: high pressure liquid chromatography
Average daily concentrations in specific units
Day/Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X Max. N
1 162.4 170.3 762.2 856.8 804.3 538.4 856.8 5
2 620.2 399.1 238.3 404.3 423.2 430.2 620.2 5
3 346.9 775.4 212.6 262.0 242.4 381.3 775.4 5
4 538.2 730.1 390.1 168.6 151.0 401.7 730.1 5
5 142.0 55.8 47.3 107.0 76.2 90.2 142.0 5
6 58.2 83.0 143.5 72.0 89.0 88.7 143.5 5
7 114.3 80.3 46.9 118.7 245.4 120.1 245.4 5
8 79.6 35.3 82.7 36.1 35.9 56.3 82.7 5
9 127.3 106.4 231.3 252.6 205.0 186.0 252.6 5
10 170.1 374.4 225.6 335.7 631.8 375.5 631.8 5
11 692.8 407.3 465.7 559.4 110.8 422.6 692.8 5
12 323.6 139.2 210.0 138.4 202.0 844.7 257.0 844.7 6