Monthly analysis of week values

Year 2012
Region Sasko-Dresden
District Pirna
Measuring programme DMITF, Mittelndorf
Type of measuring programme Wet-only - autom. sampler
Organization LfULG
Matter Unit Method Monthly concentrations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RAIN mm VOL 81.3 27.9 13.3 27.5 23.8 124.0 162.9 100.2 80.7 23.5 27.6 87.5
vodivost µS/cm EC meter 16.9 23.5 30.1 23.4 13.4 12.2 10.2 14.9 10.6 12.2 12.9 12.2
pH - pH meter 4.79 4.63 5.02 5.56 5.55 5.03 5.10 6.01 5.23 5.06 4.81 4.75
Na+ ug/l IC 704 414 1 089 502 565 107 84 125 141 182 123 120
K+ ug/l IC 65 56 144 97 131 41 63 64 28 48 34 22
NH4 + ug/l IC 389 1 115 2 591 2 089 1 259 714 555 1 418 695 712 411 209
Mg2+ ug/l IC 90 44 59 75 34 31 29 47 20 25 20 20
Ca2+ ug/l IC 79 114 356 479 335 300 256 715 180 204 126 56
Cl- ug/l IC 1 192 530 734 791 126 138 114 175 157 219 159 150
NO3 - ug/l IC 1 587 3 256 5 191 4 034 2 559 1 660 1 183 2 253 1 782 1 769 1 794 1 272
SO4 2- ug/l IC 986 1 805 2 592 2 108 1 423 1 334 1 085 1 673 892 1 251 1 175 806