Monthly analysis of atmospheric precipitation

Year 2012
Region Dolni Slezsko
District Zgorzelecki
Measuring programme OBOGB, Bogatynia
Type of measuring programme Bulk samples
Organization IMGW
Matter Unit Monthly concentrations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
RAIN mm 91.6 57.2 16.8 34.2 39.7 59.9
vodivost µS/cm 20.5 27.0 70.9 35.4 38.1 24.4
pH - 6.09 5.43 6.29 6.39 6.16 6.12
Na+ ug/l 690 370 1 070 440 290 440
K+ ug/l 120 180 370 270 720 430
Mg2+ ug/l 120 120 340 160 240 170
Ca2+ ug/l 1 330 1 410 2 380 1 770 1 560 1 600
Zn ug/l 14.0 29.0 185.0 50.0 68.0 18.0
Pb ug/l 1.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 3.0
Cd ug/l 0.07 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Ni ug/l 0.0 0.8 2.0 0.7 1.8 0.5
Cl- ug/l 1 200 1 120 2 980 760 520 490
SO4 2- ug/l 2 630 3 760 5 520 4 220 3 580 2 880