HHKBA, Hradec Kralove-Brnenska

Situation in the year: 2007

Basic data
Code of the measuring programme in the given locality:HHKBA
Old ISKO number:1503
Locality: Hradec Kralove-Brnenska
Type of measuring programme: Automated measuring program
Measuring networks:SIS 
AdministratorČHMÚ - pob. Hradec Králové-AIM
Dvorská 410
Ing. Jiří  Jarka   
50311  Hradec Králové
E-mail: jarka@chmi.cz
Supplementary data
Target of the measurement programme:Evalution of concentration in urban areas, Evaluation of the effect on the population health
Place description
AMS je umístěna v parku na Moravském Předměstí Hradce Králové poblíž výpado vé silnice směr Brno. Měření meteorologických veličin je pouze doprovodné a nenahrazuje standardní meteorologická měření. GLRD-čidla jsou čištěna pouze při údržbě stanice a hodnoty jsou zejména v zimním období pouze indikativní.
Lab. = laboratory, Sup. = data supplier, A = authorization, R = data available in the real time regime, Par. = parallel measurement, Ac = accredited
Lab.Dod.ComponentMethodUnit ARPar.AcIntervalDate of startDate of end
11 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [sulphur dioxide] UVFL [UV-fluorescence]µg/m3YesYes0Yes10min01.01.2004 
11 [nitrogen monoxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [nitrogen dioxide] CHLM [chemiluminescence]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [nitrogen oxides] CHLM [chemiluminescence]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [carbon monoxide] IRABS [IR corel. absorption spectrometry]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [ozone] UVABS [UV-absorption]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [fine particles PM2,5] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption]µg/m3NoYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [particles PM10] RADIO [radiometry - beta ray absorption]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2004 
11 [benzene] GC-PID [gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2005 
11 [toluene] GC-PID [gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2005 
11 [ethylbenzene] GC-PID [gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2005 
11 [m,p-xylene] GC-PID [gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2005 
11 [o-xylene] GC-PID [gas chromatography - photo-ionization detection]µg/m3YesYes0Yes1h01.01.2005 
11 [wind velocity] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]m/sNoYes0No1h01.01.2004 
11 [wind velocity] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]m/sNoYes0No10min01.01.2004 
11 [wind direction] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]degNoYes0No1h01.01.2004 
11 [wind direction] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]degNoYes0No10min01.01.2004 
11 [short-term wind velocity maximum] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]m/sNoYes0No1h01.01.2004 
11 [short-term wind velocity maximum] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]m/sNoYes0No10min01.01.2004 
11 [short-term wind direction maximum] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]degNoYes0No1h01.01.2004 
11 [short-term wind direction maximum] U-SONIC [ultrasonic anemometer]degNoYes0No10min01.01.2004 
11 [relative air humidity (h. of air)] CAP [capacitance sensor]%NoYes0No1h01.01.2004 
11 [global radiation] TDM [temperature difference method]W/m2NoYes0No1h01.05.2004 
11 [global radiation] TDM [temperature difference method]W/m2NoYes0No10min01.05.2004 
11 [temperature 2m above terrain] PT100 [resistance method]KNoYes0No1h01.01.2004 


List of laboratories
Laboratory number 1ČHMÚ - pob.Hradec Králové
Dvorská 410
Ing.  Josef  Antalík   
50311  Hradec Králové
Tel: 495436164
Fax: 495436175
E-mail: antalik@chmi.cz


List of data suppliers
Supplier number 1
Dvorská 410
Ing. Jozef  Antalík   
50311  Hradec Králové
Tel: 495436164
Fax: 495436175
E-mail: antalik@chmi.cz